Tuesday, July 6, 2010

New Life

The Bible says that we love God because He first loved us. The following contain a narration of Scriptures from the Bible that reveal how much God loves and cares for us. These are just a few of the many contained in the Bible. May you be blessed as you hear what God says about you.If after hearing what God says about you and you want to be blessed as He wants you to, just believe in your heart and say with your mouth, " Thank You God for loving me so much. I believe that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to die as a sacrifice to pay the price for all the mistakes I ever made in life, so I can be cleansed from my sin and be made righteous with You. Forgive me for not acknowledging You in my life. I am coming to You for a clean start. You said that when I come to You, You will accept me into Your family and I will be a whole new creation. You also said that You will give me Your Holy Spirit, Who will pour Your love out in my heart, empower me to live for You, teach me, give me Christian fruit and gifts and lead me as I love and serve the Lord. I turn from doing things my way and turn to You to use me as You see fit. Thank you God, that You are now my Father. Thank You Jesus for dying for my sins. Thank You Holy Spirit for coming into my life."Now that your new life has begun, begin to read the Bible and do what it says, pray (which is simply talking to God) and listening in your spirit to what He has to say to you and spend time with others who are a part of God's family. If you have any questions or have responded to God as previously mentioned you can e-mail us and we will help to the best of our knowledge. Have a blessed eternity!

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